Izy - Zola Theme
This is demo page of theme Izy. If you like this theme go to github.com/VV0JC13CH/izy-zola and follow steps from README in order to get this theme work or you can just follow below quickstart steps.
Quickstart steps
- It is recommended to add this theme as a git submodule in your zola project:
2.Change below parameter in your config.toml
# The site theme to use.
= "izy-zola"
3.Overwrite default values of theme by editing your zola main config.toml
= "/ico/favicon.ico"
= true
= false
# [extra.lang]
# items = [
# { lang = "en", links = [
# { base_url = "/", name = "English" },
# { base_url = "/pl", name = "Polish" }
# ] },
# { lang = "pl", links = [
# { base_url = "/", name = "Angielski" },
# { base_url = "/pl", name = "Polski" }
# ] }
# ]
= false
= false
= ""
= [
{ = "en", = [
{ = "/blog", = "Blog"},
{ = "/categories", = "Categories"},
{ = "/tags", = "Tags"},
] },
= false
= true
= 'right' # left / right
= [
{ = "en", = [
{ = "/blog", = "Blog"},
{ = "/categories", = "Categories"},
{ = "/tags", = "Tags"},
] },
= [
#{github = "https://github.com/johndoe"},
#{gitlab = "https://gitlab.com/johndoe"},
#{twitter = "https://twitter.com/johndoe"},
#{linkedin = "https://www.linkedin.com/in/john-doe-b1234567/"},
Theme Options
Multilingual sites
- Set below flag to true (required)
= true
2.Add your language to config.toml (required)
= [
{ = "en", = [
{ = "/", = "English" },
{ = "/pl", = "Polish" }
] },
{ = "pl", = [
{ = "/", = "Angielski" },
{ = "/pl", = "Polski" }
] }
3.Customize your navbar (optional)
= [
{ = "en", = [
{ = "/assets", = "Assets"},
{ = "/blog", = "Blog"},
{ = "/snippets", = "Snippets"},
{ = "/projects", = "Projects"},
] },
{ = "pl", = [
{ = "/pl/assets", = "Assety"},
{ = "/pl/blog", = "Blog"},
{ = "/pl/snippets", = "Kod"},
{ = "/pl/projects", = "Projekty"},
] }
4.Customize your sidebar (optional)
= true
= [
{ = "en", = [
{ = "/markdown", = "Markdown" },
{ = "/blog", = "Blog" }
] },
{ = "pl", = [
{ = "/pl/markdown", = "Markdown" },
{ = "/pl/blog", = "Blog" }
] }
Syntax highlighting
In order to use highlught css themes it is reguired to add below config. Themes to choose: https://www.getzola.org/documentation/getting-started/configuration/#syntax-highlighting
# The theme to use for code highlighting.
= "css"
= [
{ = "visual-studio-dark", = "syntax-dark.css" },
{ = "cheerfully-light", = "syntax-light.css" },
- Fork the Project
- Create your Feature Branch (
git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature
) - Commit your Changes (
git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'
) - Push to the Branch (
git push origin feature/AmazingFeature
) - Open a Pull Request
This page uses example content from theme catalog. Below is current config.toml of this site.
# The base URL of the site; the only required configuration variable.
= "https://izy-zola.netlify.app/"
# The site title and description; used in feeds by default.
= "Site Title"
= "A Zola theme made with tailwindcss framework."
# The default language; used in feeds.
= "en"
# The site theme to use.
= "izy-zola"
# For overriding the default output directory `public`, set it to another value (e.g.: "docs")
= "public"
# When set to "true", the Sass files in the `sass` directory in the site root are compiled.
# Sass files in theme directories are always compiled.
= false
# When set to "true", the generated HTML files are minified.
= true
# A list of glob patterns specifying asset files to ignore when the content
# directory is processed. Defaults to none, which means that all asset files are
# copied over to the `public` directory.
# Example:
# ignored_content = ["*.{graphml,xlsx}", "temp.*"]
= []
# When set to "true", a feed is automatically generated.
= true
# The filename to use for the feed. Used as the template filename, too.
# Defaults to "atom.xml", which has a built-in template that renders an Atom 1.0 feed.
# There is also a built-in template "rss.xml" that renders an RSS 2.0 feed.
= "atom.xml"
# The number of articles to include in the feed. All items are included if
# this limit is not set (the default).
# feed_limit = 20
# When set to "true", files in the `static` directory are hard-linked. Useful for large
# static files. Note that for this to work, both `static` and the
# output directory need to be on the same filesystem. Note that the theme's `static`
# files are always copied, regardless of this setting.
= false
= [
{ = "tags", = true},
{ = "categories", = 0, = true},
# When set to "true", a search index is built from the pages and section
# content for `default_language`.
= true
# Configuration of the Markdown rendering
# When set to "true", all code blocks are highlighted.
= true
# A list of directories used to search for additional `.sublime-syntax` files.
= []
# The theme to use for code highlighting.
= "css"
= [
{ = "visual-studio-dark", = "syntax-dark.css" },
{ = "cheerfully-light", = "syntax-light.css" },
# When set to "true", emoji aliases translated to their corresponding
# Unicode emoji equivalent in the rendered Markdown files. (e.g.: :smile: => 😄)
= false
# Whether external links are to be opened in a new tab
# If this is true, a `rel="noopener"` will always automatically be added for security reasons
= false
# Whether to set rel="nofollow" for all external links
= false
# Whether to set rel="noreferrer" for all external links
= false
# Whether smart punctuation is enabled (changing quotes, dashes, dots in their typographic form)
# For example, `...` into `…`, `"quote"` into `“curly”` etc
= false
# Configuration of the link checker.
# Skip link checking for external URLs that start with these prefixes
= [
# Skip anchor checking for external URLs that start with these prefixes
= [
# Various slugification strategies, see below for details
# Defaults to everything being a slug
= "on"
= "on"
= "on"
# Whether to include the title of the page/section in the index
= true
# Whether to include the description of the page/section in the index
= true
# Whether to include the path of the page/section in the index
= true
# Whether to include the rendered content of the page/section in the index
= true
# At which character to truncate the content to. Useful if you have a lot of pages and the index would
# become too big to load on the site. Defaults to not being set.
= 100
# Optional translation object for the default language
# Example:
# default_language = "pl"
# [translations]
# title = "Tytuł"
# Additional languages definition
# You can define language specific config values and translations:
# title, description, generate_feed, feed_filename, taxonomies, build_search_index
# as well as its own search configuration and translations (see above for details on those)
= "Tytuł Strony"
= "Motyw Zola wykonany przy pomocy Tailwindcss."
= true
= [
{ = "tags", = 3, = true},
{ = "categories", = 3, = true},
= false
= true
= true
= [
{ = "en", = [
{ = "/", = "English" },
{ = "/pl", = "Polish" }
] },
{ = "pl", = [
{ = "/", = "Angielski" },
{ = "/pl", = "Polski" }
] }
= [
{ = "en", = [
{ = "/assets", = "Assets"},
{ = "/blog", = "Blog"},
{ = "/snippets", = "Snippets"},
{ = "/projects", = "Projects"},
] },
{ = "pl", = [
{ = "/pl/assets", = "Assety"},
{ = "/pl/blog", = "Blog"},
{ = "/pl/snippets", = "Kod"},
{ = "/pl/projects", = "Projekty"},
] }
= true
= true
= 'right' # left / right
= [
{ = "en", = [
{ = "/markdown", = "Markdown" },
{ = "/blog", = "Blog" }
] },
{ = "pl", = [
{ = "/pl/markdown", = "Markdown" },
{ = "/pl/blog", = "Blog" }
] }
= [
{ = "https://github.com/VV0JC13CH"},
{ = "https://twitter.com/VV0JC13CH"},
Thank you for visiting this page! I hope you like this theme and check out my other projects in spare time.